Squig Comms


I am an artist looking to make a few couple measly bucks but I can't get a job atm



  • Unlike most artists who take commissions, I live in the Philippines, meaning CashApp isn't an option for me, so I will instead be taking payments through PayPal and whatnot

  • The PayPal account I'll be using isn't mine, so if ya want something done kindly message me on Instagram (link is on the previous page) or on my Discord (Squig#7075, joining my Discord Server for communication is also an option, which also has a link in the previous page)

  • My artworks will have watermarks, but if you feel like you wanna post them, credit my Instagram or something like that Ion know. But just don't try to claim the art as yours and/or remove the watermark

  • ehhhh NSFW is a whatever, I just need money man

below are some examples of my art and how I make them

Examples #1 (Sketches) $3 (price wont varry with what you specifically want)

Examples #2 (linework) $6 (price wont varry with what you specifically want)


⚠The first image shown earlier, or specifically the one with Super Sonic and Sage with the Titans in the back in it, will not be making appearances for this section of examples, I was using a different program from the rest whilst making the artwork, so the process was scuffed up and difficult to cut up into different parts.⚠

Examples #3 (Coloring, shading, lighting) $8 or $15 (price varries depending on your specific order for the drawing)

Examples #4 (Backgrounds/Full Drawings) $12 or $20 (price varries depending on your specific order for the drawing)


⚠In these images you can see that some of my past examples turned out to be comic book mockups, those aren't with extra charge, if you want them on you're still paying for the price of the full drawing, because like, that's what you wanted and here it is, I'm not gonna add extra charge for a few texts lol⚠

Examples #5 (Doodles) $5 (price wont varry with what you specifically want)


⚠In this section (doodles specifically) I showed an example of practical art, that does not count. you cannot purchase practical doodles, I only really used it as an example to show how I doodle, I can do the same thing digitally if I wanted to lmao. ⚠